Thursday, October 29, 2009

Conversational Hypnosis Course By Con


It’s possible that one of the greatest examples of the power of conversational hypnosis can be seen when you are watching Star Wars. The scene you are looking for features Obi Wan Kenobi and he is using nothing more than his voice to lull the guards into believing that they aren’t really seeing the three fugitives. That scene is a classic example of how conversational hypnosis is supposed to work.

The really cool thing about conversational hypnosis is that you don’t have to be a super hero or Jedi knight to learn how to use it to your advantage. It is a skill that, with enough time, anyone can learn to develop. All you need to do is take a conversational hypnosis course.

Dr. Milton Erickson

The person who first really seemed to develop a true understanding for how to use conversational hypnosis was a man by the name of Dr. Milton Erickson. In addition to being a master of conversational hypnosis, Dr. Erickson was also a doctor of psychology. Dr. Erickson took what he had learned about conversational hypnosis and used it to help his patients, during a time when the combination of hypnosis and medicine was extremely illegal. If you are interested in learning more of Dr. Erickson’s extraordinary story you should visit this website,

Igor Ledochowski

The website was created by Igor Ledochowski a master hypnotist and one of best teachers in the world when you want to learn about conversational hypnosis. Mr. Ledochowski uses the website as a virtual means of allowing the world to make use of his conversational hypnosis course.

What You’ll Learn

In addition to being able to read all about Mr. Ledowski’s many accomplishments and learn how Dr. Erickson is influencing the way the world looks at conversational hypnosis today, you will also have the opportunity to enroll in a conversational hypnosis course that was designed by Mr. Ledochowski. It is his belief that with the assistance of these audio recordings anyone can develop the skills needed to properly use conversational hypnosis.

The Merchandise

The merchandise that is being offered for sale is a 629 page manual about the conversational hypnosis course, a nine step conversational hypnosis blueprint, and twelve CDs. Each of the CDs equals one educational session with Mr. Ledochowski. All of this adds up to one amazing conversational hypnosis course. If you have any problems at all with the merchandise the creators of the website are providing you with excellent offline support.

The Guarantee

Even thought everyone should be able to use this conversational hypnosis course but if, on the off hand chance that you happen to be one of the few people who simply can’t seem to get the hang of it, that’s okay. You can return all of the merchandise to the webmaster and in return he will give you back all of the money you spent on the program. You just have to come to a decision within sixty days from the day you originally purchased the conversational hypnosis course. Read more by visiting


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Role of Relaxation in Personal Stress Management By Laxmi Keshav

Laxmi Keshav

It is not really difficult to overcome stress and the key to that starts with your mind. A lot happens on a sub-conscious level since everything that happens in our life is initially perceived and processed by our brain. A combination of relaxation techniques and control over your thought process is a great method to manage stress.

Relax and say goodbye to stress

The first method in dealing with stress in your own personal way is to learn how to relax. It might not be much but professionals and therapists agree that being relaxed while in the throes of stress can help you find solutions in getting rid of it. You have a choice of many methods for relaxing, and you can choose one that will suit you best.

Music and dancing

It is true that the music soothes the savage beast, and your mind is definitely savage when under the influence of stress. Playing instrumental music or nature sounds can ease your mind and help you relax. You can try dancing to the tune of the music to release the tension that builds up in your body. Loosening all those tight muscles can help you relax as well as increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen into other areas of your body promoting a healthy outlet to stress.


The body and the mind are connected. The mind can perceive what the body can feel and vice versa. By strengthening your body, you can make your mind relax and put you in a calm mood. Getting a massage is a great way to give your body a break, and your mind as well. Shiatsu can do wonders in getting those tired muscles out of your system which will help you feel balanced and energized after wards.

Aromatherapy massage can also help you relax. Being rubbed with scented oils like jasmine or lavender can help your mind relax while the soothing massage gently caresses your body.

Meditation of mind and body

Meditation is a great way to reduce the tension that builds up in your mind while under the influence of stress. Originally part of the pagan religion, meditation is now being incorporated by many professionals as a healthy resort to stress and problems. Try to find a quiet place in your mind or in your office. You may sit down or lie down. Focus on each and every single area of your body and commanding them to relax with your mind. You might feel slightly heavy after wards since you are internally focused.

Try to visualize an object or phrase a question in your mind. Focus on it as long as necessary. Fleeting thoughts and scenes will flash through but pay them no heed. After a while, your mind will stop projecting images and you will feel like as if you're floating in total nothingness. You will feel refreshed after meditation and you will be ready to face stress in the face.

Physical exercise

One personal stress management technique that can dispel stress is to find an outlet for your mental and emotional burdens. Physical exercise can do wonders when dealing with stress and is incorporated by stress management clinics and workouts worldwide.

This will help you avoid effects of stress like stroke, high-blood pressure, muscle pains, and so on.You can have a near stress-free life if you can manage a healthy mind and also a fit body. Doing at least 4 times of physical exercise a week can improve your cardiovascular functions and strengthen your heart.


Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Stop Procrastination Today By Kai Ferra

Kai Ferra

Procrastination robs us of all the precious time in the world. When we were young, it seems that there were a lot more time to be carefree and to think less of what was in store for the day. However, as we become older, our responsibilities become bigger and more important, making us want to procrastinate even more. It can’t also be helped that a lot of people would still want a few hours of the day for themselves without having to worry about what they need to do at work. This inevitable feeling is often the primary concern that plagues every individual day in and day out. In order to help you stop procrastination, here are a few tips that you can use for everyday:

Avoiding Distractions

One of the main reasons why a lot of people tend to procrastinate is due to having a non-conducive work environment. For instance, when you’re working at home and you have the television turned on, the tendency is for you to get distracted therefore generating delays in your output. Instead of concentrating on what you are doing, your eyes and ears fight hard to play handicapped to what’s on play. Having a room that is quiet and has all the main things you need to concentrate, will help you achieve work in lesser time and to avoid getting distracted. To stop procrastination, you must learn to keep your focus in everything that you do.

Stop Postponing

We just love postponing, simply because of the thought of a new tomorrow and a new day. But what about deadlines and the people who highly depend on the work you are supposed to submit? Instead of postponing things, try to finish them off earlier so as to give you more time to do the things you want to do for yourself. Postponing tasks also leads to rushed work that is highly flawed in quality and expectations. Making sure that you give yourself all the ample time to finish your task and without any postponements will help you deliver better results that can possibly gain you more time for leisure and fun.

Positivity Helps

Telling yourself that you are too tired or work is too difficult will eventually lead to procrastination. It is the most typical scenario in most workplaces. You’re tired and restless and you feel bored about what you are doing, so instead of concentrating on it, you decide to postpone deliveries. Now taking a few minutes of rest is fine, but completely forgetting your responsibilities is what drives people to become procrastinators. To stop procrastination, you must learn how to enjoy what you are doing. The more you have fun with whatever task is given to you, the easier it would be to finish all the assignments lined up for you for the day. Just stay positive and help yourself not to invite any ill feelings towards what you need to have done. Convincing yourself that work is easy and light will help drive your feet to finishing the tasks earlier or on time.


Mind Control Techniques You Can Use on Yourself By Gregory Frost

Gregory Frost

When you consider that there are various ways that you can the mind nowadays, it is quite staggering to realise the potential that we have to boost our mind powers and then gain the edge in life that we always wanted. When we are talking about taking control of the mind, we are literally talking about getting into the core of the brain and changing the set methodologies of the cortex for our own benefit.

The technology is actually based on brainwaves and this is the key to help us understand how the mind works. The brainwaves are actually electromagnetic pulses that are released within the cortex and the cortical of the brain and this happens because the different spheres and areas of the brain need to communicate with each other. When this happens, the neurons in the brain, which number in the billions, will then release these pulses along the neuro network inside the cortex.

A long time ago, science then stumbled on the fact of these waves by the use of EEG machines, or similar machines that can pick up the tiny and imperceptible impacts that they make within the structure of the brain. With that discovery, we then realised that we have uncovered one of the ways that the brain works, but this led to something more interesting and much more interesting. Beneath these pulses, there are another set of wavelengths emanated by the same neurons in much the same way – but they operate on a complete different way.

These wavelengths seem to be universally present all the time, and undercurrent to the turbulence of pulses that are carried through whenever the brain needs to fire up its internal mechanism of communication. Simply put, these are then measured to have five different wavelengths, and some might say six, but they are generally placed in five categories which can include the lower wavelengths of alpha to the higher thetas. The important thing about this discovery is the fact that this technology has another and much more interesting application. It seems that when in a particular state, the brain is much more susceptible to subconscious reprogramming. This means that the brain is in a much more relaxed state, and the defence mechanisms of critical thought and logic processes are not at their highest level. At this stage, you are able to then reprogramme your subconscious with anything like affirmation or positive stimulation.

The problem is that we are mostly in this state when we are deep in sleep. So how do we bridge this problem? Well, there is a solution to this and this is called brainwave entrainment. It uses engineered and embedded sounds of different frequencies to effect a response from the cortical of the mind. With this, you do not need to be asleep to get the benefit of a much more aware and susceptible subconscious mind, and as you know, in the arena of psychology and neurology, having control over the subconscious can have plenty of good benefits.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Try This Creative Problem Solving Technique By Steve Gillman

Steve Gillman

There are many creative problem solving techniques, and each will lead you to different kinds of solutions. One of the simplest, though, is the 'add, subtract and change' technique. What follows is a basic explanation of how to use it to generate more creative solutions.


Whatever you are working on, whether a scientific experiment, a business concept, or a personal issue with family, this technique can help. It starts with the simple question, 'What can I add to this?' Open your mind up in answering this. If designing a new vehicle for people who love the outdoors, it's easy to imagine things to add; a tent platform on the roof, a skylight for star viewing, windows with screens, etc.

With other problems you will have to think more widely. For example, if you are trying to find a way to travel to India, you may not immediately think of things to 'add' to the problem. Money does come to mind, though, and something as seemingly meaningless as 'a group of people' might trigger the idea to go free as a guide, or to get a reduced fare for selling a tour to friends. Let a few random thoughts enter here, and see how adding this or that might lead to a new solution.


The second step of this creative problem solving technique is also very easy if you are just working on product innovation and invention. What can you take away from a television? How about half of the buttons on the remote, or half the weight? Look at what is there and ask what would happen if you subtracted it (or part of it). The screen? You might have a television receiver that displays through the user's computer screen.

With a business problem, like how to gain more repeat customers for your restaurant, you have to think more broadly. What if you subtract payment? Hmm... Customers order from a 'subscribers menu,' which includes the fast meal at a set price, billed monthly. They don't have wait for the bill. Subtract the menu? Perhaps for a discount customers would prepay for tokens good for specific meals, to be redeemed anytime. They just hand a token to the host when they walk in, and get their meal fast. Once they prepay, they have to come to your restaurant to redeem the token, thus guaranteeing repeat business.


This is the fun step, where you ask what you can change about the problem or the current situation. If you are looking for a way to increase the value of your home before selling it, you ask what you can change about the home, the way you advertise it, the terms of the sale, and anything else you can think of. But to make your problem solving more creative, get a bit crazy in your questions. For example, ask, 'What can I change about the buyer?' This may seem silly at first, but it also might suggest targeting a market with buyers who are willing to pay a bit more.

Look for all the things that might be changed, and all the ways you might change them. As with all problem solving techniques, the idea is to generate as many different ideas as possible. Only afterwards do you look at them more critically to find the good ones.

For example, John had a neighbor with too much junk in his yard. It was lowering the value of his home, and he planned to move in a year or so. He asked what he could change about his approach, where he lived, where the neighbor lived, the junk itself, the view, and so on. Asking about changing where the neighbor lived was not so silly as it first seemed. As it turns out, he was a renter, and wanted to move, but was short on cash. John loaned him a few hundred dollars, figuring that even if he was never repaid he would gain ten times that on the increased sale's price of his own home. That's a creative solution.

What can I add? What can I subtract? What can I change? Just ask these three questions and be open minded in answering them. That is the basis of this simple problem solving technique.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Just Exactly What is Brainwave Technology By Gregory Frost

Gregory Frost

In this day and age, there are many names for brainwave technology, but the most common one is either brainwave entrainment or brain wave synchronization, which in the area of science and technology, is the practice and the method of forcing the brain to emit a particular frequency which then will stimulate the brain to produce positive effects associated with the particular wave pattern. In the area of neuro science, this is called the frequency following effect, and it is something that happens quite naturally in the brain.

The neurons in the brain are in the constant state of producing electrons and electromagnetic pulses, and this is down to its communication mechanism from one area of the brain to the next. When it does this, machines like the ECG machine, are able to pick up these wavelengths and measure them. We are able to do the same thing with a whole host of stimuli, which can vary from visual or auditory stimulation. This can range from subliminal flashes, to the dream machine, to binaural beats and even isochronic tones, which are all in the category of engineered stimulation which will be perceived deep within the subconscious of the brain, as well as the cortical.

Of course, these are the more common methods of brainwave technology, and there are other, much more complex methods, which include things like the mind machine, electromagnetic radiation as well as force induction of magnetic waves using stimulus head gear. These are available only within the arena of science labs and advanced hospitals. One of the most common forms of this technology, and the one that you will be encountering when you are researching this technology is binaural beats. What they are is actually a reverse engineering of the available technology in the brain as well. For example, the brain is able to gather itself and be in the state where it is greatly focused, has high levels of creativity and is able to think and react much faster.

So, in terms, the wavelength of this in accordance to brainwave technology is somewhere in the high theta ranges, or the high end of the brainwave spectrum. So to produce a 30 plus wavelength range in the brain, binaural beats will then introduce a 540Hz and 510 Hz engineered beat in both sides of the ear and what happens then is that the difference is picked up in the cortical of the brain, and in the frequency following response, the brain will then be set to a 30Hz wavelength electromagnetic pulse. With this, you are able to be much more creative and much for focused. As you can see the application of this technology is quite enormous and there is nothing you cannot do now that you are privy to this new fangled brainwave technology. All you need to do to gain access to this revolution of the mind is to get online, search for it and order. Do your research, gain the best one and the rest is just a matter of the mind.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Making You Wealthy Beyond Your Dreams By Vlad Stivenson

Vlad Stivenson

A lot of people think there is really no truth at all to the power of the Law of Attraction. These people need to be aware that even though they don't believe, the Law of Attraction is affecting their life and quite possibly the reason for the negativity in their life.

Wealth is what most people want so here is some information about the Law of Attraction and why you are not rich.

You need not believe in or think about the Law of Attraction for it to operate in your life. In this respect, it is like the law of gravity which is always there and always in effect even if you forget all about it.

There is a scientific truth to the idea that our brain emits vibrational frequencies. The Universe responds to your brain's frequencies by bringing into your life the things you are most focused on in your thoughts. The things that you are in tune with are the things you get in your life.

There is a difference between the negative emotions you send out into the Universe like worry, fear and stress about not having enough money and the positive emotions others send out into the universe of appreciation and love. The more you send out the negative emotions the more problems you will have with money.

Feeling like money is the only thing in the world that could make you happy actually causes the Law of the Universe to send you the opposite because you are focused on the negative aspect of money in your life.

How do you use the Law of Attraction to bring more money into your life?

First you need to make sure you are focusing on the things you want in your life in a positive way and not what you don't want. If lots of money is what you want that should be your focus but you need to think about more than wanting it and focus on being thankful for getting and imagine that you already had it in your life. Your thoughts need to be focused in this manner from your conscious to sub-conscious mind.

Is it possible to overcome that nagging negativity about money in your sub-conscious?

You have many ways of uniting your sub-conscious and your conscious minds on your goals and desires. This will ensure the Law of Attraction brings you the things you truly want.

You can meditate, take advantage of brain wave technology, remove any emotional and mental blocks that are preventing your from thinking positively, use electronic frequency transfer and always be appreciative for the good things you do have in your life.

The best way is using subliminal messages. Download Subliminal Flash program and use it daily. It contains affirmations related to success, wealth and prosperity. When you use Subliminal Flash those affirmations are accepted by your subconscious mind and your mind attracts good things into your life, just like a magnet.

The sooner you get in a place where you appreciate what you have and are not focused on what you don't you will be a happier and more satisfied person.

Try making a list of everything that is good in your life and using that to remind yourself daily of how truly blessed you are.

Enjoy the little things like finding spare change in your purse or getting a few extra dollars in your paycheck this week. Let yourself be appreciative and happy for all your blessings big or small.

The more you practice this appreciative attitude the more likely you are to attract more good things into your life in the future.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Face Your Fears By Sandra Prior

Sandra Prior

It may be a natural response to avoid what we find scary - but that doesn't mean it's the best response. When people with phobias dodge whatever it is that fills them with terror and anxiety they usually compound the problem - sometimes to such an extent that it eventually cripples their lives. And that is worth avoiding.

Specific phobias (excessive fear related to exposure to specific objects or situations) can affect up to one-third of the population at some point in their lives. Data released last year from a Stress and Health Study conducted nationally from January 2002 to August 2004 shows that 9,8% of Americans will suffer from agoraphobia (excessive anxiety about being in places or situations that may cause panic attacks) at some time in their lives and 2,8% will suffer from social phobia (the excessive fear of experiencing humiliation or embarrassment in a social context).

Despite this frequency, few people seek treatment. Most people only seek treatment when the phobia becomes severe and interferes significantly with their personal lives, career or interpersonal relationships.

Panic Mode

The definition of 'phobia' is 'a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it'. This 'solution', however, soon becomes part of the problem. Avoidance and control behaviors become a handicap, forcing people to use up time, energy and attention that could be better spent on other things. People with a phobia become adept at avoiding that phobic object or situation so they never face the fear, which then becomes more intense and causes the avoidance to be more extreme.

Gradually the sufferer's life may become increasingly restricted and governed by the phobia. For example, socially phobic people learn to avoid social situations that lead to anxiety. They may eventually avoid public-speaking engagements, eating in public or using public toilets. Over time the person avoids almost all social encounters and may even become housebound.

A phobia may also become inclusive of other things related to the phobic object or situation. A person who has a phobia of furry dogs may start to fear anything furry, and then can't even look at a picture of furry dogs or other furry objects. As more and more situations and objects are avoided, the sufferer's world starts to close in.

When phobic disorders go untreated they can lead to secondary conditions such as depression, other anxiety disorders, substance abuse and even suicide. Many people with social phobia become dependent on alcohol or sedatives and use them to reduce their anxiety.

Face the Fear

Two popular treatments for phobias are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy. There is no good evidence that hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for specific phobias. CBT, however, is useful in the treatment of both specific and social phobias. With CBT, people are gradually exposed to their feared situations, beginning with the situation they fear the least. In people with social phobia, CBT can be used to correct dysfunctional thoughts about fear of failure, humiliation or embarrassment.

With CBT it's important that exposure is graded and repeated, as forced and quick exposure is likely to reinforce the phobia. Treatment is also not dependent on knowing the cause or root of the phobia. By just recognizing and diagnosing the symptoms, treatment through CBT can be very effective.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Face Your Fears By Sandra Prior

Sandra Prior

It may be a natural response to avoid what we find scary - but that doesn't mean it's the best response. When people with phobias dodge whatever it is that fills them with terror and anxiety they usually compound the problem - sometimes to such an extent that it eventually cripples their lives. And that is worth avoiding.

Specific phobias (excessive fear related to exposure to specific objects or situations) can affect up to one-third of the population at some point in their lives. Data released last year from a Stress and Health Study conducted nationally from January 2002 to August 2004 shows that 9,8% of Americans will suffer from agoraphobia (excessive anxiety about being in places or situations that may cause panic attacks) at some time in their lives and 2,8% will suffer from social phobia (the excessive fear of experiencing humiliation or embarrassment in a social context).

Despite this frequency, few people seek treatment. Most people only seek treatment when the phobia becomes severe and interferes significantly with their personal lives, career or interpersonal relationships.

Panic Mode

The definition of 'phobia' is 'a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it'. This 'solution', however, soon becomes part of the problem. Avoidance and control behaviors become a handicap, forcing people to use up time, energy and attention that could be better spent on other things. People with a phobia become adept at avoiding that phobic object or situation so they never face the fear, which then becomes more intense and causes the avoidance to be more extreme.

Gradually the sufferer's life may become increasingly restricted and governed by the phobia. For example, socially phobic people learn to avoid social situations that lead to anxiety. They may eventually avoid public-speaking engagements, eating in public or using public toilets. Over time the person avoids almost all social encounters and may even become housebound.

A phobia may also become inclusive of other things related to the phobic object or situation. A person who has a phobia of furry dogs may start to fear anything furry, and then can't even look at a picture of furry dogs or other furry objects. As more and more situations and objects are avoided, the sufferer's world starts to close in.

When phobic disorders go untreated they can lead to secondary conditions such as depression, other anxiety disorders, substance abuse and even suicide. Many people with social phobia become dependent on alcohol or sedatives and use them to reduce their anxiety.

Face the Fear

Two popular treatments for phobias are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy. There is no good evidence that hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for specific phobias. CBT, however, is useful in the treatment of both specific and social phobias. With CBT, people are gradually exposed to their feared situations, beginning with the situation they fear the least. In people with social phobia, CBT can be used to correct dysfunctional thoughts about fear of failure, humiliation or embarrassment.

With CBT it's important that exposure is graded and repeated, as forced and quick exposure is likely to reinforce the phobia. Treatment is also not dependent on knowing the cause or root of the phobia. By just recognizing and diagnosing the symptoms, treatment through CBT can be very effective.


Who Else Wants Success by Choosing What They Want in Life By Andrew Rondeau

Andrew Rondeau

You can choose success. Do you believe this? If you do not then you have chosen (yes chosen) a different route and success will not be a prominent feature! Success is about choosing what you want in life and taking the necessary steps to achieve that goal. Success is not stopping until you get there!

Read the last two sentences again. Easy to say but how do you get there? What are the choices made by the successful? What are they doing differently from everyone else?

Choose to remove whatever is holding you back.

Has something happened in the past to affect your self-esteem? Do you immediately have negative thoughts as soon as money and success come to mind? If you are not choosing success then it is likely that something is blocking your ability to change and follow a new path. To remove the block you must have focus. To have focus you must first have an all-consuming dream of where you want to be. Only when you have defined that dream can you start to focus on it. Focus so intently that everything you do is done with your dream in mind. Only then can you move toward that dream.

Choose to live your success.

Live your life as if you were successful, as if you had already achieved the goal that you are focusing on. When you are at work, visualise what your workplace will be like when you have reached your goal, and place yourself there. Sit at your desk as if you were running the multimillion-dollar business that you are focusing on. When you get into your car, visualise what your dream car will be like and see yourself sitting in it. Visualise yourself driving away from your dream house. When you are in your home - look around it and see your new surroundings. Get inside the feeling - really be there.

The more you do this…

…the more your subconscious will think that you are successful and move you towards these things. Live your success expecting to realise it. Living it now is a practice run for when it comes to you. After all, you want to be prepared, don't you?

Choose to believe in your success.

What your conscious mind believes, your subconscious strives to achieve. Look around at your friends and acquaintances and ask yourself how many of them have unshakable belief in where they are going. Are they successful? Possibly not - they may be in a good job and have a nice life but they do not have the success factor. Perhaps you do know of someone with unshakable belief. They may not be successful now but they will be moving in the right direction. Watch that space....

Belief is the catalyst, which takes the dream and turns the focus into a plan to get there. Never underestimate the power of belief.

Choose to be emotional about your success.

Belief plus emotion are unstoppable. If you have utter belief then you will develop emotion. If you want something badly enough it is emotive. Maybe it is to get out of debt. If you have suffered the hardships of this situation you will feel everything to do with debt and money is charged with emotion. This is the reason behind so many 'rags to riches' stories. Sometimes only the most devastating of emotional circumstances are the catalyst for change and a move toward success instead of away from it.

You can choose success.

Or you can choose to stay safe and do what you do now. Guess what - you will still be doing the same in ten years time. The question is - do you want to?


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Live Up to Your Greatest Potential By Yvonne Skudder

Yvonne Skudder

Live up to your full potential. You have the power to change your habits to acquire new skills and fully use the skills you now have. You can improve your performance, your productivity, and the quality of your whole life.

What makes a high achiever? Is it luck, intelligence, talent, dedication? All of these things figure in - they all make a difference. But we all know intelligent, talented, hard-working people who do not consider themselves very successful or even happy. And we know people who are not exceptionally bright but seem happy and successful.

So there must be something else, some secret to success. Actually there are several secrets to achieving your peak performance - living up to your full potential.

Your success at business, friendship, love, sports - just about anything you try - is largely determined by your own self-image. Your unhappiness is something you choose. So, you're thinking no one chooses to be unhappy. Well, maybe not - but you have to consciously choose to be happy, self-confident, and successful.

Happiness is elusive when we go after it directly. So is self-confidence. Both seem to be more 'side-products' than something you can achieve in and for itself. So how, then, can consciously choosing to be these things be of any value? Well, the secret is to focus on other things.

First, focus on your potential. Begin by making a complete and accurate assessment of your potential. To do this you must take an inventory of yourself - you will make a few lists. Sit down and make a list of all the things you can do well. Be honest with yourself. When that list is done, make a list of all the things you like to do, even if you think you can't do them well. Then, make a list of all the things you would like to do, if you could. Now list your hobbies.

Then, go back to the list of things you can do well. You are probably being much too hard on yourself. Most of us are. We have this little voice in our heads telling us things like: 'You're so dumb,' or 'You can't learn to do that,' or 'You never do anything right,' or similar nasty things. And even worse, we listen to that voice as if it's telling us the gospel truth. So now, shut off that voice - you can do it - and add a few more things to the list of things you can do well. Pretend you are your best friend - it's amazing how much more forgiving and charitable we are with our friends than we are with ourselves. Now that you are your best friend, you should be able to add a few more items to your 'do well' list. But do be honest - don't list things you feel you really can't do well.

Next, go to your list of things you like to do but you feel you don't do well. Speaking as your own best friend, do you think there are some things on this list that could be moved to your 'do well' list? There probably are. If you like to do it, chances are you do pretty well at it. Treat your hobby list in the same manner.

Next, go to your list of things you would like to do if you could. Ask yourself, 'Why can't I do this, if I'd like to?' Put your reasons on another list. OK. So you have a lot of lists going - what good is that going to do? Well, you have just made an assessment of yourself. If you have been truly honest in making these lists, it may even be a fairly accurate assessment. Probably it isn't, but that's OK. This assessment isn't carved in stone. It's subject to change. But for now we will work with what's on the lists. At least you have a place to start.

Look over your lists again. You are focusing on all the things you feel you can't do and the reasons why you can't do them, right? Well, don't. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO - FOCUS ON YOUR POTENTIAL. Make it a habit to focus on your strengths. Don't forget to include your undeveloped potential, as well. Train yourself to focus on your potential instead of your limitations.

Once you have trained yourself to focus on your potential your journey will become a lot easier. Don't think that this part of the journey is easy, but it will be worth your while staying with it. Be very patient with yourself, take small steps and reward yourself often for achievements.

If you become aware of your thinking you will grow your POTENTIAL and with that you develop a happiness you would never have dreamed of. You also develop self confidence and a self belief that will be a foundation for life.


Monday, October 19, 2009

6 Steps to Financial Freedom By Ben Cole

Ben Cole

Step 1: Financial Intelligence

Becoming educated about your finances will play a major role in your financial future. Knowledge is a very powerful tool and therefore you should strive to enhance it to the best of your ability.

In todays age, It it becoming increasingly easier to acquire. You have Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Television, Radio, your local bank, and of course... the World Wide Web.

Many people ignore or just think they know everything there is to know, and this is where failure begins, so the better your financial knowledge is, the easier it will be to get there.

Step 2: Smart Money Management

This is where a lot of people go wrong. You MUST track how much you spend, and WHAT you are spending it on.Writing out a weekly budget is a very smart thing to do, It makes it much easier determine your cashflow.

Once you know where your money is going, try so set a limit each week. So instead of spending say $200 a week on clothes for example, why not set a limit to $50 a week? This does not mean to should not have a life, but if
you really want financial freedom as soon as possibe you are going to have to make some sacrifices.

Now, re-evaluate your cashflow, the extra money you can save by limiting your budget speaks for itself, Doesent it?

If you have credit cards or personal loans, find out which one has the highest interest rate and focus on loading any surplus money you have each week onto that one loan. You will see it rapidly decrease and once paid out, do the same again on your next loan with the highest interest.
Once all debt is paid off, open up a savings account and feed the extra money into it,and don't touch it, only for the mean time though....

You must stay focused on what it is you want to achieve. Think for the future, not the present.

Step 3: Setting Goals

Everyone needs goals, and this is what makes us strive for success. The best way in my opinion is to write out a list of goals you want to achieve, and set a time frame for each one.

You should write out your list of goals in order of short term e.g- ( pay off credit card ) to long term e.g- ( retire in 10 years )

Once you have your list, the best thing to do is print out at least 5 copies and place them inside your home where you will see them the most, on the fridge door is a really good place for starters.

Everyday when you get up, and you see your goals, it really makes you happy to know that you have a financial plan and you aretaking action. Its a great feeling.

Step 4: Grow money trees

Now comes the really exciting part. Once you have a small amount of money saved, start thinking outside the box, think of ways you can turn this money into more money.Think of something you are good at, something that can create an extra income stream, and sell it.

For example- I am a carpenter by trade, I started building barbeque tables,clocks, and toilet seats! and selling them at markets and advertising in the local paper.

Get a little creative with your ideas whatever they may be, and put them to work.

Ever heard of the saying 'Money Makes Money' ? Well,it's True.Now, This is key if your wanting to go to the top of the ladder, You need to sit your money where it will make you more money, Thats why leaving it in your saving account won't do you much good at all.There are many ways you can do this- The sharemarket, real estate,start a business....

Which ever vehicle you choose to invest in is completely up to you.Just remember to do your homework, know your market,and stay focused.

Step 5: Find A Mentor

Having a good mentor can have a big impact on your road to financial freedom. Once you have pursued your investment vehicle, find a good mentor who can give you good advice and is very good at what they do. I cannot stress enough the importance of having a good mentor.

Step 6: Never Give UP

Sometimes people get a little off track and form a bit of self doubt, Just remember what you set out to do in the first place...Find Financial Freedom. Everyone is different and will undertake their road to success in their own way.

I have always believed if your going to do something, do it well and don't look back.

To your success, Ben.
