Everything that we do in life starts with something small. Although all processes have difficult parts and methods that we need to endure and to take responsibility for, in the end, we would still be the one to benefit from the end results. Out of the many challenges that come our way, procrastination is one of the most common. With just a single decision to procrastinate, a person can cause countless delays for different people and at different times. Although procrastination can cause dramatic results, sadly not everyone can immediately realize when they have already fallen victim to this mentality. In order to help you out, here are a few of the main causes of procrastination that you must watch out for:
1.You don’t enjoy what you do.
People are most effective when doing something they are passionate about. Doing something that you don’t believe in, moreover something that you do not enjoy is simply one of the main causes of procrastination. Due to societal issues surrounding unemployment and finances, people jump into random jobs that will hopefully help them earn money for a living. Unfortunately, since the job title does not have anything to do with what they dream of becoming in life, they tend to slow down and to lose interest in performing well at work. Not being able to enjoy what you do results into slowdowns and unsatisfactory results. Psyching yourself to work harder and in a faster pace is more effective when done with something that you love to do.
2.You’re not good at what you do.
It’s almost an essential procedure in every blue book for you to believe that you are the best in what you do. Telling yourself or actualizing that you are not delivering the best performance in your work will eventually lead you to procrastinate. Belief is one of the strongest determining factors that lead people to work at their full potential and at the most effective way possible. One of the causes of procrastination is the belief that you are not good in what you do. Instead of telling yourself what you cannot do, why don’t you start training yourself to do better in things that you are weak at? Seeing failures as missed opportunities can help drive you to work harder and to prevent procrastination.
3.You’re not supposed to do it.
We all get tired from work. At times, we regrettably have to face the fact that there may be things that we would be asked to do even if we are not the right person to do it. Each person keeps their own body clocks and schedules, which is why unwanted tasks tend to irk us especially when they’re given at the last minute. Overtimes, for instance, is one the main venues for procrastination. You feel restless from too much work and since you’re not supposed to do the task, you eventually decide not to deliver your outputs at the required deadline. We all have to bear in mind that each occupation requires flexibility and a few adjustments once in a while.
Resource: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=376987&ca=Self
Well, what an enlightening post. There are various reasons to the causes of procrastination. http://www.stop-procrastination.org is an informative website which explains to you some of the reasons of procrastination and help you to prevent them. Very useful indeed. You might wanna check it out.